Dr. Emy is a Board-Certified Naturopathic Physician who graduated from a four-year medical program at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, AZ.  She primarily focuses on family medicine, pain management, endocrinology (hormones, thyroid, etc.) and gastrointestinal conditions.  She uses the least invasive therapies, such as, acupuncture, cupping, botanical medicine, homeopathy, IV/injection nutrient therapy, hydrotherapy, nutrition and lifestyle management. 

Dr. Cummins’ passion derives from her own struggles with Lupus, a chronic autoimmune disease, and conventional medicine - which offered her no relief.  After drastically changing her lifestyle and reducing her stress levels, she was able to overcome her thirteen-year battle and has since enjoyed 15 years of complete remission.

As your doctor, her goals are to find the root cause of the condition, remove any obstacles to cure then treat with the least invasive therapies.  She will guide you every step of the way to assure your success.  She also involves her patients in the decision making of their treatment plan to assure it fits into their lifestyle and financial position.

To give back, Dr. Emy is active in global and community medicine with Naturopaths Without Borders in Phoenix, Mexico, Thailand and Haiti.  On her days off, she enjoys outdoor activities with her friends and boyfriend. You can also find her at home, spending time with her two cats as well as taking care of the gardens.