our services



Homeopathic medicine takes a whole person approach to disease by focusing on physical, mental, and emotional issues. Acute and chronic illnesses manifest as symptoms in the body, and these symptoms are individualized depending on the person with the disease. Homeopathy takes this individualized information and uses that to select the best matched remedy. Homeopathic medicines are derived from natural substances of plants, minerals, and animals. It is safe, effective, non-toxic, and does not interact with other medications.


Nutrient IV and Injections

This therapy allows us to bypass the digestive system, allowing direct access to the blood stream. This results in a much quicker response to the nutrients, supporting people with acute illnesses, as well as, conditions, which cause malabsorption in the digestive tract.


Herbal medicine

Medicinal herbs have been used for centuries and are the original medicines nature intended us to use. The plant’s seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark and flowers all have different actions and are utilized for medicinal purposes. Herbs can be delivered in many forms, such as liquid tincture, capsules, syrups, teas and salves.



A traditional Chinese practice which involves the insertion of thin needles into certain points in the body in order to achieve balance of energy in the body, to alleviate pain and promote healing. Acupuncture can treat conditions of all kinds, from physical ailments to mental emotional disorders.



One of the oldest traditional Chinese Medicine therapies, in which cups are applied to the skin for a few minutes to produce a suction effect on the body. This action stimulates blood flow, promotes the flow of Qi (energy) through the body to decrease pain, as well as creates an avenue for toxins to leave the body.



A therapeutic method using different temperatures of water to treat physical ailments of all kinds. Everyone has used an ice pack or heating pad at some point in their life, but you probably didn’t know you were utilizing hydrotherapy.

food allergy testing and gut health analysis

The way we eat and what we eat makes a difference on how we feel and how our body functions, short term and long term. We offer food allergy panels and comprehensive stool analysis in office!